Jason Sudeikis photographed in Soho Hotel, London

David Mitchell photographed in London
Photographed for The Observer New review
Pianist and Composer Joanna MacGregor photographed in Brighton
Photographed for Joanna MacGregor
Comedian Dawn French photographed in Plymouth
Photographed for Saga Magazine
Its a great day when you walk into a studio, knowing you ‘re going to photograph a guitar legend like Johnny Marr. The Smiths were an important part of my teenage years and a key figure behind that was the one and only Johnny Marr. He was as cool as they come, but not arrogant in any way. If anything I’d say he was modest, interesting to talk to and pretty chilled. I had a few different ideas that I ran past him and, although he did hesitate a few seconds as I pulled out the acoustic 1/2 size guitar, he agreed to pretty much everything. Even though he has his own guitar brand he didn’t object to posing with a cheap acoustic guitar, but he was hesitant due to the size. “I’m not a fan of these small guitars some artists bring out” - a fair and just explanation to why he didn’t want to hold the guitar at least.
Shot for Observer New Review
When Katherine was asked what she does on the panel show ‘Don’t Hate The Playaz’ she said ‘comedian and Hooter waitress’. That’s certainly not all she is though. Not many comedians can carry off being photographed for a fashion feature in national magazines, be funny on stage (and off stage) and be considered to be knowledgable about the hip hop scene. Oh - did I mention that this shoot was just after Katherine had given birth to her second child. Boom! If anyone can do it, Katherine can.
Both shoots I have done with her have been fashion lead. This time we had the pleasure of dressing her up in a diamanté dress that weighed a ton as well as other great colourful and vibrant outfits from great designers. Katherine had the attitude of a model - I just wear what Jennifer Michalski-Bray (the stylist) tells me to. This was however not a fashion shoot and not a straight shoot of a comedian - but an attempt to find a good middle ground.
Shot for Observer Magazine
The greatest thing about working with artists is that most of the time you get to include their work in the images. Sometimes, it makes it harder, but most of the time it gives you the chance to create images of someone, using props that are interesting in themselves. This is especially the case when working with artists such at Jason Bruges. Jason does not only create great big installations but works a lot with light and reflective surfaces. Like a playground for me!
Jason, genuinely interested in the photography side of the shoot as well as imagery as a whole, was great to work with. His studio was two warehouse rooms filled with half finished projects. All at my disposal. The shoot was to create images for Jason that he could use for his own PR. We used his up and coming projects including robots and large ‘disco balls looking’ wall installations which are to be installed on an underground station in Norway. A great big water tank in construction, that will eventually be installed so that sound waves break the light and create patterns on the ceiling of the space it is in. A genuinely interesting and fun shoot with a very inspirational and friendly man.
Shot for Jason Bruges
It’s not long since I stopped categorising my newsletters. One of the reasons I stopped was that some shoots just didn’t fit into my most common subject matters, and therefore got left behind. For example, I sat on a folder with politicians and topical/political journalists without ever sharing these. James O’Brien was one of those shoots - shot in September 2020, when the Covid lockdowns had given us a little breather to work normally again.
This was a cover shoot with James O’Brien, the politically focused news radio presenter from LBC. I first became aware of him around the time of the Brexit vote in 2016, and ever since he has become a cornerstone of reason in the conversation about Brexit as well as other politically news orientated causes.
James turned up at the studio, forthcoming, friendly and modest. That’s it with James - he’s a hard one to disagree with, but he’s always inclusive, open to listening and friendly. People have called into his show only to be cut down by his masterful ability to argue his point. However, he only cuts people off if their arguments are badly thought through or if they have been misled. In fact, he always seems to enjoy a good discussion as long as the opposing argument is well founded.
A second part of the shoot took place at LBC radio station in Leicester Square, central London. Not the easiest place to rock up with 11 bags - especially as Covid restrictions still ruled and I was asked to come without assistant. But nice to get him in his element.
Shot for the Observer Magazine
It’s not long ago since I stopped categorising my newsletters. One of the reasons I stopped categorising the newsletters was that some shoots just didn’t fit into my most common subject matters, and therefor got left behind. For example, I sat on a folder with politicians and topical/political journalists without ever sharing these. Laura Kuenssberg was one of those shoots - shot a few months before the Covid pandemic came and changed the world for good.
Laura Kuenssberg was the face of BBC news when it came to the politics of Brexit. She is the one that took centre stage interviewing politicians. She headed a Brexit podcast discussing constant changes and process in the negotiations. She always comes across as serious, cut throat and a woman who gets straight to the point. I expected nothing else on this shoot either, but met a more relaxed and friendly Laura. Having just received the withdrawal agreement, Laura settled down in a corner of the room reading it through, page by page, waiting for me to set up. This is a woman who’s life has been totally consumed by Brexit for several of years. Late nights, early mornings, press conferences after press conferences and interviews after interviews. Laura had no break. Considering that the leadership changed hands two times after the Brexit results in 2016, Laura could be accused for being the one who knew more about the day to day dealings than anyone else, including prime ministers.
Shot for Guardian Weekend Magazine
It’s not long since I stopped categorising my newsletters. One of the reasons I stopped was that some shoots just didn’t fit into my most common subject matter, and therefor got left behind. For example, I sat on a folder with politicians and topical/political journalists without ever sharing these. Fiona Bruce was one of those shoots - shot a few months before the Covid pandemic came and changed the world forever.
Fiona came in at the agreed time, full of energy, and settled down in the basement studio under a trendy Haggerston cafe in East London. I asked if we could get her anything and she had already clocked the pastry in the cafe on the ground floor, wanting it accompanied by a weak tea. I left her to enjoy a little grooming before the shoot. When she stepped in I started talking to her about her early life, getting a little money from modelling for picture stories in the teenage magazine ‘Jackie’. I was actually genuinely intrigued as I used to see those picture stories around when I was a kid, and it’s such a thing of the past. Fiona confided in me that she used to love doing them as she could always get people she fancied in to play the male role.
Shot for Observer New Review
It’s not every day you get a call to ask if I’m interested in photographing the creators behind Ghostbusters: “We’ve got a shoot with the Jason and Ivan Reitman - and they’re bringing the ghostbuster car and a couple of Proton Packs.” I know - it might not mean much to many of you, but if you grew up in the 80’s you’ll know all about the Ghostbusters, the Cadillac and the Proton Packs. Ghostbusters 2, also directed by the original director Ivan Reitman came out not long ago, but this 3rd film was directed by Ivan’s son Jason. So - there I was, in the backstreets of Soho with a couple of Proton Packs, (ghost busting guns for you who are not familiar with the films) in a hotel room and the Ghostbusters car in a small alleyway on the side of the hotel. I picked the alleyway because of its proximity to the hotel but also because it had a city vibe - without giving away what city it was. The first thing we found in the alleyway was a dead rat without a head. Nothing like a headless rat to set the scene for a Ghostbusting experience. (I did decide on cleaning this up before inviting the Reitmans over though - maybe a little too real for a Friday morning?!). I managed to get a local office to open its doors for me to get some electricity to start up the smoke machine, brought out some gels and then prepped the car for the Reitmans to cruise on into the shot.
Ivan and Jason turned up and I was ready. I placed them in the car and shouted “smoke!” No smoke came - and a look of panic spread along the photography team. The woman who had let us use the electricity socket had unplugged the smoke machine without letting us know and left the building. I started shooting whilst the assistants knocked on every door until they found a socket. The images I had hoped for were now finally coming in.
10 minutes later we had to rush up to the hotel room to get the Proton Packs shots. I had prepped the proton Packs with lights and was ready to explore with long shutter speeds to get the laser beams working. Consistency and authenticity was of great importance for Jason but we got there in the end. 10 minutes later, all ghosts were busted and the Reitmans could leave the building. Phewwww. All I now had to do was to pack my equipment down and dispose fo 15 ghosts stuck in my Ghostbuster trap and safely dispose of them in the Echo-Containment System. The problem is I’m not sure where the Echo-Containment System is so I’ll keep them under my bed for now….
Shot for G2
David Spencer Percival’s office was exactly how I imagined my office to be when I close my eyes. Nice and tidy, good taste in art and design, and a bar cabinet should a fellow colleague stop by for a little chat. David has been the founder of very successful botanical drinks company and energy company before now running the life science recruitment business Life Science People.
David was fun, friendly and charming. Many stories of his art work collections and trips abroad lightened up the conversation whilst we were working.
Shot for Recruiter Magazine
Many people have managed to sail through this epidemic without any major loss. Of course, we have all felt it to some degree, but some of us have really felt the impact. Kate Garraway is someone who has really suffered from having a loved one contracting Corona virus. Her husband, diagnosed early on in this epidemic, was in a coma for 11 months and is still suffering from issues related to Covid. Kate has always been very honest about her experience and shared her story with the world. In this book Kate talks about her experience watching someone you love suffer from Covid and the terrible effects it can have on people and the family of the effected. A pleasure working with Kate on this cover, where I was trying to show the vulnerability of Kate as well as her strength and resilience when faced with a terrible personal struggle.
Shot for Penguin Random House
This Anna Jones shoot took place about a year ago, but I never got around to posting it before now. As we’re in January, all struggling through the New Years resolution to get a little healthier and help the environment, I thought there would be no better person to start the year off with than Anna Jones. As far as I am concerned, Anna has written the bible of vegetarian cooking “A Modern Way to Eat”, a book she has followed with her “One Pot, Pan, Planet”. The latter is a book that does not only encourage vegetarian cooking but also how we can cook in a more environmentally friendly way. This shoot was to support an OFM article about Anna Jones and her work as one of UK’s most cherished vegetarian cook book writers.
Shot for OFM
Last time I photographed Stephen Mangan, there was a birthday theme, and this time - the shoot is also a birthday; ‘Christmas’. Mangan already looked the part as he plays Scrooge in the West End this Christmas. My job was to bring the tree, snow and some decor. We made the tree fly, put on as many fairy lights as I could get my hands on and wrapped up some Christmas pressies for him to kick about.
Happy Christmas and a very Happy 2022 to you too (when it eventually gets here).
Shot for Observer New Review
The Flashback series for the Guardian Saturday Magazine continues, and here are four of the latest shoots that have been published. My shoots replicate images of celebrities from their younger days.
Here we have JLS, Sadie Frost with her mum Mary, AJ and Curtis Pritchard and Vick Hope with her mum Ade
Shot for Guardian Saturday Magazine
Clare Smyth is one of Britain’s best chefs. Her restaurant “Core by Clare Smyth” in Notting Hill has three Michelin Stars and is one of London’s most sought after restaurants. She has been named the World’s Best Female Chef by the World’s 50 Best Restaurant, been the Good Food Guide’s ‘National Chef of the Year’, She got a perfect score by the Good Food Guide. She’s won the Chef Award and she was appointed Member of the Order of the British Empire - to mention a few of her achievements. Clare is basically “Da Bomb!”
This shoot was a cover shoot for Observer Food Monthly Magazine. A real pleasure working with her and her restaurant.
Shot for Observer Food Monthly Magazine
Dame Eileen Atkins, winner of a BAFTA, EMMy award and Olivier Award, was appointed the Commander of the Order of the British Empire and Dame Commander of the Order of British Empire. Now - how’s that for an opening sentence on your Wikipedia page?!
The thing about Eileen (and yes - I was told to drop the Dame when I spoke to her so I continue on a more casual first name basis here too), is that she is so casual and pleasant to deal with. Her place, a wonderful and charming house in the West London, is a long way away from where she grew up, as the daughter of a meter reader in Tottenham. She had that charm that comes with the more senior generation of the British acting world. There is a relaxed attitude there, a playfulness. I have seen the same in many of the British traditional actors and actresses. They started acting because they loved the work, not to become famous, and the joy they feel due to living the life they have always wanted to is worn on their sleeves.
Eileen was 100% lovely! Fun, charming, natural and playful - all at once. She has just released her autobiography (up to the age of 30) and I bet it will be a great read. Just seeing the pictures from her young days which are in the book is great fun.
Shot for Observer New Review
The Guardian Weekend Magazine has just had a redesign and relaunched under the new name Guardian Saturday Magazine. With the new redesign they have introduced the weekly feature ‘Flashback’. This weekly feature is about celebrities contributing a picture from the old days and they tell a story about that picture and that time in their lives. I have been been commissioned to do most of these shoots and so far it’s been very challenging but also really fun. Here are the first 4 shoots in the series that I have been involved in, with the help of Andie Redman who is responsible for the props and set:
Sophie Elis Bextor and mum Janet Ellis
Pepsi and Shirley
Sindhu Vee and her dad
Jamie Lang
Shot for The Guardian Saturday Magazine