Its a great day when you walk into a studio, knowing you ‘re going to photograph a guitar legend like Johnny Marr. The Smiths were an important part of my teenage years and a key figure behind that was the one and only Johnny Marr. He was as cool as they come, but not arrogant in any way. If anything I’d say he was modest, interesting to talk to and pretty chilled. I had a few different ideas that I ran past him and, although he did hesitate a few seconds as I pulled out the acoustic 1/2 size guitar, he agreed to pretty much everything. Even though he has his own guitar brand he didn’t object to posing with a cheap acoustic guitar, but he was hesitant due to the size. “I’m not a fan of these small guitars some artists bring out” - a fair and just explanation to why he didn’t want to hold the guitar at least.
Shot for Observer New Review