Kate Garraway

Many people have managed to sail through this epidemic without any major loss.  Of course, we have all felt it to some degree, but some of us have really felt the impact.  Kate Garraway is someone who has really suffered from having a loved one contracting Corona virus.  Her husband, diagnosed early on in this epidemic, was in a coma for 11 months and is still suffering from issues related to Covid.  Kate has always been very honest about her experience and shared her story with the world.  In this book Kate talks about her experience watching someone you love suffer from Covid and the terrible effects it can have on people and the family of the effected.  A pleasure working with Kate on this cover, where I was trying to show the vulnerability of Kate as well as her strength and resilience when faced with a terrible personal struggle.

Shot for Penguin Random House


Gareth Thomas

Having grown up in Norway, I have to admit that Rugby has never been on my radar.  However, having married a Welsh woman, the game came as part of the parcel.  I still have a hard time getting my head around all the rules, but I have started enjoying watching the game.  I also admire the physicality of the game.  The men and women who play the game sure aren’t afraid of a few bumps and bruises.

Gareth Thomas is welsh by name, and welsh by game!  Yes - one of the most well known and respected Welsh rugby players.  Not only has he shown guts and courage on the pitch, but he has also been open about his sexuality and having been diagnosed as HIV positive.  Gareth has had guts to come forward writing books about his experience, his sexuality and his diagnosis.  This shoot was for Gareth’s last book, a frank tale of his own life and experiences.  

This shoot took place at a golf club in Wales.  We had the changing room to our disposal.  Gareth, was as fun and kind as you’d hope he would be.  It’s a characteristic I find many of the rugby players have photographed are not brash or arrogant, but friendly and forthcoming.  

Shot for Penguin / Ebury Press


Russell Kane

If there’s a new energy drink company out there looking for a name for their product then I’d recommend ‘Russell Kane’.  I’ve had the pleasure of working with Russell on a couple of occasions and he never holds back.  It is evident in his stand up comedy as well, but the energy doesn’t stop on stage.  For this shoot we were going to create a cover for his book “Russell Kane, Son of a Silverback”.  Russell Kane’s book looks at what it is to be alpha male, gamma male (self-proclaimed), and the relationship between the two.  It’s a moving book filled with irony and plenty of laughs.  Serious and entertaining at the same time - as only Russell can do.  

(Note to London Zoo: Thanks for the loan of the Silverback.  We returned him to Sub-Saharan Africa.)

Shot for Transworld Publishers