There are few actors I am more excited about at the moment than Stephen Graham and Jodie Comer. Every role Stephen touches turns to gold. He mostly plays serious roles, and the intensity and emotions he brings to the parts he plays, hit straight home. The question with Stephen is; is it him that makes the roles he plays great? - or is he just great at sniffing out the great parts and can take them on with excellence? Either one is a great talent, and either way still makes Stephen a great actor.
And then Jodie - mostly known for playing Oksana Astankova in Killing Eve. She’s still very young so there is no doubt that next time I photograph her, (and I do hope there will be a next time,) I will be able to reel off iconic films and series that she has played in like I am able to do with Stephen if I’m put on the spot. One thing is for sure already, and that is that Jodi has a great ability to bring herself and character to her roles.
They are now playing together in the Channel 4 drama ‘Help’, a series that deals with some of the issues that arose due to Covid. Some may think that it’s too early to watch serious dramas about the social impact of Covid, but this is a gripping and touching drama that will appeal to many.
At the end of this shoot I also managed to get a frame of 10X8 analogue portrait taken of Stephen and Jodie. Unfortunately, (being the first time I have tried to do a shot of 10X8 with the time pressures that comes with editorial shoots, and only having two sheets ready to use,) the shot with Jodie had two misfires of the flash and didn’t come out. However, the shot of Stephen was everything I had hoped for.
Shot for Observer New Review