I love it when I get a commission to shoot a set of images that have a specific feel, a portfolio of portraits. So when Kit from the Observer called me about this specific story, to photograph a chef from each decade in the style of the Dutch Masters, then I jumped at the idea. We had it all nailed down, a date and time for each of the 7 chefs, Georgina in her 20’s, James in his 30’s, Anna 40’s, Giorgio 50’sRick 60’s, Albert 70’s and Joyce 80’s. Location houses, props and backdrops all sourced. Some images directly inspired by specific paintings and others more loosely inspired and influenced by the work of the masters. So it was unfortunate that on the day of the shoot with Mr Albert Roux had to call in sick. Never the less, the set of images that I was able to do felt complete and I was happy with the portfolio.
The chefs who did take part are all extremely dedicated to the art of cooking and their presence did make this set of images what they are. Everyone from the young and eager Georgina to the older, experienced and relaxed Joyce were all a true pleasure to work with.