The moment I got the call about this job, (shooting Will Ferrell) I counted my lucky stars. A moment later I was told I had 5 minutes! My mind was baffled: I have so much I want to do! I have so much I want to talk about! How am I going to make Will my new BFF in just 5 minutes?
The shoot was well planned. I had a lineup of ideas that I was going to hammer through. The Christmas props were essential as the shoot was to be the cover of Observer Magazine’s christmas issue. I had 6 different christmas lights, one backdrop and a hotel room all set up. When Will walked in he was specific about the ideas he didn’t like much so the process of elimination was easy. We pulled a line of christmas lights through his ears and round his head. A strip down and a few tight close ups to focus on what Will is so good at, subtle expressions. A quick hand shake and that was it. The man did not give a lot, but he didn’t have to, what he gave was plenty!