With Bill Bailey, what you see is what you get. He is funny, has an expressive face, eyes that can at times look like they pop out of his head, musically talented and has a bunker in case someone should want to drop a bomb on Hammersmith. (Don’t all you paranoid Hammersmithians go flocking to Bill now to be his friend, I think the bunker will only hold about 3 people at the most.) Bill’s live shows have always been impressive in the way they are constructed, immensely funny, intellectual and wacky, so it was good to see that these characteristics are all represented in Bill as a person. His acts are in fact not really acts, but a projection of himself which is immensely reassuring. In fact, if I had to choose one item and one person to spend dooms day with in a small bunker then Bill and a keyboard would be good contenders. A touch of the ‘Cabin fever’ with Bill could actually work.