I photographed Matthew McFadyen a long time ago, together with Michael Gambon. One of my earliest commissions. They were playing in the stage adaptation of Henry IV. This time, I meet Matthew MacFadyen again. Now a world renowned star for his role in Succession. (Missing out very noticeable performances in series such as Spooks and Any Human Heart - to mention a few). This time MacFadyen is starring in the small TV drama series “Quiz”. Remember the Major who managed to trick “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” but was caught? Well, MacFadyen plays the Major.
A tall gentleman - is the best way to describe MacFadyen presence. Gently spoken and suave. Wearing a suit, but it doesn’t feel like he’s put one on especially. On the contrary. I can easily imagine MacFadyen sporting a suit, open top buttoned shirt and leather shoes on a daily basis.
Shot for Observer New Review