What was to be a seemingly normal shoot of a chef and her mum, (and mum’s mum) for a mother’s day issue of OFM, ended up being a delightful introduction to a characterful family. Ravneet was as lovely as I had expected. Smiley and fun, just like she comes across on TV and her social media posts. Working with Ravneet on her own would be fun, but the dynamic between her, her mum and her grandma is what was so magical on this shoot. They both made a fuss about Ravneet, with character and style of course. Ravneet was playful in her response, and there was a beautiful acceptance in the interaction and in each other’s ways of being. Some families would maybe discard family members making a fuss as embarrassing, but Ravneet embraced it and played on it - just as it should be done. Not only was it a fun shoot, a great dynamic to be able to observe, but at the end something happened that has never happened to me in my 21 years as a photographer. Out came a £20 note from Ravneet’s grandmother. She wanted to tip me for my work. I was stunned - but could of course not accept. Such a generous gesture - it sent me back to my childhood, almost as if I was myself a young boy at the family gathering, and was given pocket money to get some sweets. Don’t get me wrong - I wasn’t insulted by the gesture - on the contrary - I was charmed and flattered.
Some of my personal work and early work dealt with families. I love being a photographer and being able to witness the dynamics. Some families keep a safe distance and are reserved, some cringe by family members reactions and attitudes, and some families find enjoyment in the characters and traits of their family members and are comfortable in each other’s presence.
Shot for OFM