I wish I could say that I rolled up, into some secluded mansion in deepest Essex, in a pink 1966 “Sonny and Cher Custom” Mustang convertible - with camera in one hand and the steering wheel in the other, beats on the stereo - met by Big Narstie and his giant dog at the golden gate entry to his estate, (with massive BN letters on the gate). However, I found myself in a sensible Toyota Aurius hybrid, economically making its way up the M11 for 30 minutes, only to arrive at Big Narstie’s man cave; a red brick house in suburban Harlow. We pulled up and knocked at an anonymous door but no answer. A few moments later, in a flash black 4 wheel drive, Big Narstie rolls up and into the car park, across the road from a shut down Wetherspoons pub. His own brand red hoodie, a lunch bag burger and smoke in one hand, and the lead to Utred in the other. (Ultred is a dog as big as Big Narstie - named after the main character in the TV drama Vikings). Around Big Narstie’s neck is a sparkly large necklace portraying his dog. I may not have rolled up in a Mustang convertible and I may not have entered a grand gate leading up to some big mansion, but the MAN had arrived with all the character needed.
The name Man Cave sounded good on paper, but the fact was that it was more a shell of a house that was used for Big Narstie to work on his music, other projects, and that he could invite people like me and the journalist to avoid exposing his own house and family. The decor was sparse and curtains closed.
So we headed to the park around the corner to start the shoot there. A few teenagers, on bikes talking on mobile phones stopped mid word and yelled out in wonder when they saw Big Narstie. This is a man who has been true to his roots, still appeals to people from his own background, yet has managed to penetrate and appeal to the white, British upper and middle-class too. He is an all rounder, and 100% genuine. Respect!
Shot for Observer Magazine