Taskmaster is one of those shows that you watch, have a giggle, but secretly also wish you could be part of. Greg Davies and Alex Horne present the show which give comedians tasks they have to complete to their best ability. Such a simple concept, yet the resolutions to the tasks set are often comedy gold. However I would have to become a famous comedian in order to take part. The problem with that is that I have no interest of being famous, and I am about as funny as a German parking attendant - (just ask my kids). I guess that means I have no chance.
I met up with Greg and Alex at Pinewood studios, just after they had wrapped up the last episode of the up and coming series. As I will only be taking part in Taskmaster in my own mind, I secretly imagine that this job is exactly that - a task from Greg and Alex. The task for this shoot was to show extra consideration because of the Covid threat, yet convey a message that says Taskmaster with a pinch of comedy. The shoot was highly disinfected, and a two meter distance between us all was observed at all times. Pictures were taken, delivered and published within the given time frame. I now just wait for Alex’s delivering of the results and Greg’s hard judgement of the execution of the task. Fingers crossed I get invited back for a second task.
Shot for The Guardian