I knew little about Jim Parsons before I got the commission to shoot him. A fast Google-search informed me that he’s one of the main men in the big hit series ‘The Big Bang Theory’. Parsons has also become known for his many Broadway appearances in feature length films. His current film, for which this shoot was pegged to was ‘Home’, where he is the voice of ‘Oh’.
I met a slightly jet lagged Jim at Claridges who was in the middle of a big press day. My shoot was squeezed in between a twitter answer session and Blue Peter appearance. Jim has experienced great success with his work and is critically acclaimed but I cannot help but think that his greatest appearance to date is still to come. When I asked him what he’s got in the pipeline he answered ‘Broadway!’. When I asked ‘what on Broadway?’ he answered ‘A monologue play and I’m playing GOD’. This is truly a man with all the right answers…