Amy Schumer is the hottest comedy act on the circuit at the moment. Her 10 minute acceptance speech at the Glamour awards caused belly aches from laughter and even saw Jennifer Saunders in the background cracking up. She sure doesn’t pull any punches as far as graphic content is concerned and sees no need to hold anything back or polish the truth in any way. She comes across as completely genuine, as if it’s her uncensored mind that rambles on without quite knowing that her mouth is vocalising her thoughts.
My shoot was a part of a press junket in Soho Hotel. She had back to back interviews and shoots for 2 days, promoting her new film Trainwreck. And that was only the UK part of the junket. I was looking forward to an uncensored Amy, giving me poses that would probably not be fit for publication. Any other day I am sure that would have been the case, but as she was in the middle of a row of shoots and interviews I had the feeling that she had had enough of striking poses or retorting with hard hitting comments during interviews. I did however feel that her poses were struck in the same way as much of her humour. Her moves were somewhat unconscious and automatic, as if it was a move she had thought of but she was not quite aware of doing. A few face expressions before gravity got hold of her and she again found herself lying the floor, (something she became known for having done on the red carpet in front of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian). She continued by crawling out of the room which left the whole room silent, but not shocked. With Amy we just have to expect the unexpected.