Once again I had the pleasure of collaborating with Craig McLean. This time it was to shoot Beady Eye. The band formed in 2009 and many of the members are old Oasis members, Liam Gallagher being the most renowned of them. I don’t worry too much before going to shoots anymore, but this time I was slightly apprehensive – I did not want to be on the receiving end of Liam if he decided that I was a ‘prick’!
All band members turned up early. My first thought was ‘what’s happened to rock’n roll??’ – surely they should keep me waiting for at least 3 hours before they turn up red eyed and stinking of booze. The guys were as friendly as they come, all amicable and willing to play game. Liam was maybe the one with the fewest words, but if he had been my best mate from the word go then I would have felt a little hard done by, as if all that media exposure was a load of bull.
The shoot took place at a studio and after that we headed up to the rehearsal studio where I got the chance to stand face to face with the man, Liam, himself. Only when I was 10 cm away from Liam’s face whilst he was singing ‘Flick The Finger’ did I feel that I could get a slap in the face, and probably deserve it.