This was probably one of the shoots I was looking forward to the most this last year. Javier Bardem has not only played in two of my favourite films of the last decade, “No Country For Old Men” and “Biutiful” but he has a look and attitude that commands good images.
As far as I am concerned he’s one of the most versatile and one of the best actors around at the moment. His looks demands respect, yet his charm makes you feel welcome in his company, which is why he is the perfect Bond villain.
The cat, a world map and a golden gun (made by me), were all subtle references to Bond villains included in one of the shots. The problem was of course to keep this cat in its place, especially as time was short.
As well as some more straight shots of Javier I also wanted an image paying homage to the iconic 'down the barrel of a gun' image at the start of the bond films.