Rear Window - Felencia Hutabarat

Felencia or also known as Ellen is isolated in Jakarta, Indonesia with her elderly mum and disabled brother. Ellen is working on multiple projects from home, one which looks at disinfecting provisions before it gets out to the consumer. Ellen isolates to protect herself, her mother and brother. Her brother made an appearance during the shoot and the closeness and caring nature Ellen had to her brother was touching.

We may now find ourselves more isolated than ever, but as a world we are maybe more together than we ever have been. We are now all fighting the same battle and have the same goal. Covid 19 is taking lives and most of us find ourselves in isolation to protect us and others around us. This series of images is aimed at showing the people in isolation around the world. I wanted a view into how people are coping and how people live. Thank you to all whom have taken part. If you want to take part in this series then please write me a direct message with details about who you are and where you’re from.